
We offer services for brands to quickly solve big challenges, prevent appropriation, and and develop anti-racist cultures.

Equity Jam

Make creative decisions that lead to the elimination of racial bias in your company.
We gather a few people from your team in a room and in one three-hour session assess how systemic oppression impacts your company, employees, and customers. Equity Jams deliver clear decisions that tackle societal issues.

Equity Sprint

Prototype and test a product, service, or program that is diverse, inclusive, and equitable.
We help you deliver a product, service, or program that is authentic and inclusive of groups it aims to impact or is inspired by. Whether it is a fashion line, financial services company, or tech company it will be distinct, innovative, and inclusive.

Culture-Driven Design

Design and test solutions that fundamentally shift the culture of your business.
We help you comprehensively redesign inequities in your space. We want your brand to be culturally sustainable, your employees of color to thrive as their authentic selves, and to position you as a leader of social justice in your market.

Make creative decisions that lead to the elimination of racial bias in your company
Prototype and test a product, service, or program that is diverse, inclusive, and equitable.
Design and test solutions that fundamentally shift the culture of your business.

Equity Jam

Equity Sprint

Culture-Driven Design

We gather a few people from your team in a room and in one three-hour session assess how systemic oppression impacts your company, employees, and customers. Equity Jams deliver clear decisions that tackle societal issues.

We help you deliver a product, service, or program that is authentic and inclusive of groups it aims to impact or is inspired by. Whether it is a fashion line, financial services company, or tech company it will be distinct, innovative, and inclusive.

We help you comprehensively redesign inequities in your space. We want your brand to be culturally sustainable, your employees of color to thrive as their authentic selves, and to position you as a leader of social justice in your market.

Isn't anti-racism training enough?

Anti-racism training is great at raising the awareness of individuals about the impact of oppression on society but awareness is not action. If your goal is to check a box because of a mandate it is enough and hopefully you change a few hearts in the process. My advice is the training be live and not asynchronous. If you want to change the system I believe that the combination of anti-racism work and design thinking I have created is the way to do it.